First I want to again apologize for reading the political environment so wrong. After the 2022 midterms, Democrats including me were overconfident in our ability to win as well as many signs that we relied on was wrong from the Washington primary and Selzer’s Iowa poll. We got arrogant and downplayed the various complaints we heard and that lead to our defeat. The defeat has lead of Democrats, the media and everyone else create plenty of reasons why Harris loss and while some are right, a lot are wrong. If we are to move forward as a country and a party, we need to be understand what happened no matter what that implies about us.
First we need to be clear that Harris did not lose the election because the American voter was that racist and/or misogynistic. That was undeniably a factor but if we pretend it was the only factor, we’d be dooming ourselves. In this election, Trump actually won the popular vote due to people of various races and age groups moving right in this election with Latinos especially moving right while Black people, Jewish people and LGBT mainly stayed the same. I need to make clear that this huge move IS NOT BECAUSE OF RACISM OR MISOGYNY. It was too uniform and EVERYWHERE. In fact white people in general voted more for Harris than Biden, with older and younger white women having the biggest shifts likely as a result of Dobbs.
So if it wasn’t racism or misogyny then why? It’s a host of issues but the biggest and hardest to fix is conservative’s media control and I don’t mean not corporate media, though they aren’t innocent either. Twitter is owned by Musk and he’s made the site so uncomfortable that plenty of Democrats are planning to leave out of sheer uncomfort. But besides Temu Luthor fucking up twitter, social media in general focuses on making people angry and unhappy to get engagement. Along with the various dude podcasts that attack women for existing because they refuse to date any random guy thus it’s “women’s fault” ala Andrew Tate. And even corporate media has share to blame as from 2021 to 2024, media always said that Biden’s economy was bad when by all standards it was a strong economy that helped the poorer members of our country the most. With a media environment this against Democrats, it’s going to be a struggle to break through these lies going forward.
Besides just podcasts and corporate media lying to hurt the Democrats, Democrats themselves have some issues we need to fix. While most Democrats are sane and care about helping everyone. The Far Left that we let in has utterly damaged our brand. People no longer see Democrats as working class representatives that help, instead we’re seen as the preachy assholes that care more about undocumented immigrants than them. While a lot of it is lies, that doesn’t explain why states like NY or NJ went so red. A big issue is in a lot of these big blue states, we’ve elected extremists that refuse to do simple effort. They hate to build houses/apartments and refuse to stamp down on petty crime. This has sadly led to the image that Democrats can’t govern and if we want to win again, we HAVE to fix that. Luckily it’s starting to happening with voters in blue cities as they vote out the crazies and vote in the moderates that care about getting things done again.
But besides everything from the unfair media environment, Democrats having things they need to fix what ultimately sank Democrats was just COVID. COVID and the resulting cost of living crisis caused by the inflation has been something that been affecting the incumbents of every rich country.
This has hit EVERY incumbent no matter where on the political spectrum they’re on. Democrats are sadly just the latest victim and most of the shift we saw in the election towards Republicans has been that. Latinos have been a massive shift mainly because 80% of them are working class who brunt the worst of the inflation crisis. This means this shift isn’t stable but it doesn’t mean Democrats can sit on our ass and wait for them to come back. Especially when all of Trump’s policies are inflationary in nature. If Trump fails to lower the cost of living in America, which he likely will, these shifts will go against Republicans like what happened to Democrats.
This election has been painful but it should not be seen as proof that Americans want fascism. Trump has only won the popular vote by 2 percent and most of the swing states by low single digit numbers. We didn’t lose because Americans love Trump, we lost because of COVID and the reasons for our loss can be fixed. We cannot give up as we have no idea what will happen in the future. In South Korea, 2 years ago the right-wing party won the presidency using misogyny. As a result of the victory even the big cities voted for the right-wing party in what looked to be a massive blow to the left wing. Flash foward to now, the right-wing president is super unpopular and the left wing opposition party is pretty strong. We Democrats have things to fix but it’s premature to call us dead or that America as a whole is dead.
Musk dropped $45 million on microtargetted social media ads.
Agree and appreciate the story about S. Korea. Hadn’t heard that. I do think we ALL hold racist and sexist beliefs/biases and that when people feel their economic survival (which feels like survival) is at stake, it is MUCH easier to tap those racist/sexist beliefs which are basically fears and somehow successfully paint someone like Trump as a savior. And the MSM utterly capitulated to Trump years ago so there is no pushback and they also push BS stories that exaggerate culture wars and threats that simply don’t exist.